Joan Redding
Reporter for the Associated Worlds Network headquartered on Waystation. Redding made a bad impression on Captain Lisa Beck soon after her arrival when she hacked into the station's OpsNet system, which gave her privileged information about events occurring on board. Her zealous pursuit of stories about the Multeks nearly caused a galactic incident when she first ambushed Wuddle during one of his visits to Waystation and then when she convinced Hypple to take her into Multek space. Yeoman Tina Jones and Lieutenant Commander Craig Porter pursued them in the Runabout USS Roanoke, and Redding opened fire on them without Hypple realizing what was happening. Jones and Porter were able to stop Redding's ship, and Jones flattened Redding with a swift punch to the jaw. Phillip Harper, the owner of AWN, arrived at Waystation soon afterward and promised to rein in Redding. (News At Eleven [WAY])
Redding developed an interest in Porter and began sending him signals to that effect, signals that the man was completely oblivious to. She finally got Porter to ask her to dinner, using the threat of another intrusion on one of Wuddle's visits to get Porter to act. They dated for several months, but Porter found that Redding was a jealous and unreasonably demanding girlfriend. She also despised Lieutenant Commander Sean Russell. With an attack by the Collectors imminent, Redding tried to get Porter to allow her to remain on board the station so that she could get the story. Porter refused and ended their relationship while forcing her to leave on the AWN ship that was evacuating people from Waystation. (Disintegration [WAY])
When the crisis was over, Redding returned to Waystation but was decidedly cool toward Porter. She continued to cover important events occuring on board and across the quadrant including the Dillon Inquest, which was held after Bradley Dillon returned from the past, and the presidential election. (Station Keeping [VEX], All Ahead Full [WAY]) Tina Jones gave Redding the exclusive story of her rescue by President Dillon, which was the true reason he missed his first debate with Kathryn Janeway.