Multek Enclave

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The home space of the Multeks. The enclave consists of approximately nine star systems. As the Multeks left their homeworld of Multos and explored the nearby star systems, they found no other intelligent life. The great explorer, Weeble, established that nothing lay outside the Enclave. It was Weeble who set the boundaries for the Enclave and who established the first structures on Edgeworld, setting the stage for the resort that would be founded there later on.

Colonies were established in some of the Enclave's star systems, and very soon the Multeks came to the conclusion that, since they were the only intelligent species in the cosmos, they really didn't have any reason to venture out of the Enclave. They established Edgeworld as a tourist attraction where Multeks could look out at the vast void beyond the Multek Enclave. Since they see no need to devote resources to war or exploration, they have made the Multek Enclave a veritable pleasure land. (Star Traks 5 [TRK], The Way We Were [WAY])

After an invasion by the Collectors, gave the Multek people irrefutable proof of the existence of other life in the universe, the Multek Enclave was opened to tourism from the Federation. (Free For All, Collect Call, Neighborly Advice, From This Day Forward [WAY])

In 2483, the Multek Enclave vanished, planets and all. Tovar's parents were visiting the Enclave when this occurred and disappeared with it.

Approximately twenty years later, the USS Anomaly accidentally found the Enclave, which had been purposely stashed in a pocket universe to protect it from being taken over by the Dillon Consortium. Captain Reginald Bain and his crew deactivate the pocket universe generators hiding the Enclave, but, after realizing his mistake, Bain fended off a Consortium fleet while Lieutenant Shelly Marsden repaired the generators with the help of Tanta, Lieutenant Commander Tovar's mother, who had helped design the generators in the first place. With the repairs complete and Marsden safely back on the Anomaly, the Multeks reactivated the generators once again hiding the Enclave. (Right Where We Left It, Welcome To The Hotel California, Contractual Obligations [BG])